Sunday, May 10, 2009

Opening Day!

Yesterday was opening day for our campground. I woke up with an excited feeling, expecting somewhat of a buzz around the grounds. I thought I would be busier in the office/store than I had been so far. By the end of the work day, I must admit, I was quite let down! There were a few campers that I checked in, but for the most part the day was still slow and low key. As I walked out of the building, I couldn’t help but note how “anti-climactic” the day had been.

After the 2 minute walk back to the rv, glancing around the park and viewing the handful of extra rv’s, the excitement was building again. Even with rain coming, Artur and I tried to get a fire going. We were both excited to watch the newcomers setting up their sites. We even saw a black 4 door Wrangler pulling a bright yellow t@b camper! I could just tell by looking around that we would have some opportunities this summer to meet and hear stories from some great people!

At work today, some of the campers stopped in and I had a chance to meet some of the “regulars”. Several have told me that they are “fulltimers”. I can’t wait to speak with all of them and get their advice regarding life on the road, hear how they make money (some were relatively young), and find out the good stuff to see and do in this area. I know it’s going to be a great stay here!

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