Bushkill Falls is a local natural park in the Poconos – billed as the “Niagara of Pennsylvania”. We looked at the website and the park map before we went. Meant for “experienced hikers”, we chose the longest trail. No, we aren’t really experienced hikers, but we are young and in relatively good shape, so I thought the 2 mile hike would be suitable for us. The brochure mentioned parts of the hike were steep, parts were rocky terrain, and it should take about 2 ½ hours. Our trail would hit on all 8 of the waterfalls in the park. We couldn’t wait!
Well it was truly amazing! Seeing sites like this was our dream for this new lifestyle. I hope to find many more similar ‘gems’ on our travels, but to be honest, if this is the only one we find in the Poconos, this assignment will have been well worth it!
Instead of trying to describe in words the parks beauty, I have posted some photos we took along the trail. The pictures are never as good as the real thing, but enjoy!
Great pictures! You are discovering the magic of this lifestyle...hiking in beautiful areas and staying in empty campgrounds! Enjoy the solitude...it will get busy soon enough!